You might have seen earlier in the blog, that the PO of this bike had used 2 or 3 different types and lengths of bolts to secure the 4 - 1 exhaust. It seems that the securing flanges on this exhaust are wider than the originals and in order to get a good fixing, some longer bolts and different numbers of washes were used. This is what I found:
Securing flanges:
Also there was only one exhaust gasket which was located on the no.4 cylinder.
But I also found that when I took off the headers, although all the bolt holes had the same depth, some of the bolt holes would only allow a bolt to be screwed in 6 turns, whereas other holes allowed up to 14 turns. So this was the first hole (6 turns only until it was tight):
And this was another bolt hole that allowed 14 turns. You can see the same bolt beds in a lot further:
So I was thinking (since the hole depths were the same) there must be something wrong with the threads. I tried to tap it out. It was very stiff and I only managed 3 or 4 turns and all this came out:
I don't want to continue this exercise for fear of damaging the bolt holes completely. Should I keep tapping it in?